Friday, August 23, 2024

Who is this Tim Walz guy?

As difficult as it was, I forced myself to listen to a half hour of that Satanic Circus frequently referred to as the Democratic National Convention last Wednesday night (08/21).

I must admit that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz gave a well-constructed, and even engaging, speech.  Unfortunately, while it was long on style, it fell short on substance, and was almost completely devoid of truth. That comes as no surprise to those of us out here in 'Rocks and Cows' country - as the old bull, Tim Walz, derisively refers to rural Minnesota - the place where many of us live who have suffered under the Walz administration's reign of terror for the past 5 or 6 years.
Yes indeed, Walz certainly talks a good game - projecting himself as either grandpa, coach, socialist neighbor, Robin Hood or Santa Claus, depending on the situation.  But what he actually delivers... well that ranges anywhere from a steaming pile of bovine scatology to despotic tyranny.

As has become all too typical with the political party of the far left, the speech itself was a barrage of unsupported accusations, aspersion casting, psychological projection, and just outright lies - commonplace diversion tactics in the critical attempt to hide their radical views from the voting public. Truly, his speech was all that.  But he didn't stop there.

For starters, he claimed - actually implored us to "trust me on this" - that Trump and Vance have a playbook. I agree that they do - and making this possibly one of the very few times he actually told the truth last night.  Although they didn't write it, their playbook is most commonly referred to by patriotic Americans as the Constitution of the United States of America.  And as such, you can be sure it is utterly incomprehensible to either Kamala Harris or Tim Walz.

Truth be told, the Harris and Walz ticket also have a playbook.  No, they didn't write theirs either - that would assume a level of seriousness that neither of them possess.  But in their case, they didn't need to.  
Karl Marx already wrote their playbook (as updated by Gramsci) in 1848. According to Antonio Gramsci, no cultural revolutionary worth his salt is without his long march through the institutions and history.  Walz is no exception.

Walz may be a former high school social studies teacher, but he is first and foremost a prevaricating politician. As such, his attempts at historical revisionism are pathetic, but expected - believable only by sycophantic party members and the brainwashed masses in attendance.  One such example was when he straight-facedly said:  "We know what they'll do if they get back in the White House. They'll jack up costs on middle-class families."  A charge that is laughable on its face.

To make such a charge against his opponents, willfully ignores the indisputable fact that in their 3 1/2 years, the Biden/Harris regime ushered in the highest inflation rates this country has seen since Jimmy Carter.  Yet Walz had the temerity to accuse the Republican ticket of planning to raise costs on families - consumer costs that have risen steadily since Harris and Biden assumed office and implemented their inflationary economic policy.  Inflation, more precisely, that was fueled by the cynically-named Inflation Reduction Act and which was only enacted by means of Ms. Harris' tie-breaking vote in the Senate.

Given that inflation is widely considered by economists to be the cruelest tax of all - hitting hardest those with the least means - this nonsensical claim was both a show of his utter lack of factual integrity and a clear appeal to ignorance within the Democrat base.
His economic illiteracy is illustrated further, given that only days prior, his running mate had announced her economic plan - or more accurately her plan to institute an obtrusive centrally planned economy.  A key component of which was wage and price controls to combat, in her words, "price gauging."  We can only speculate, but their plan will likely include asking Congress to repeal the law of supply and demand. 

As an aside, he also accused his opponents of wanting to repeal Obamacare.  Which ironically, is an action that, if passed through Congress would most certainly reduce health insurance prices to working Americans.

He also attempted to stir patriotism by appealing to his dubious military service claims (a topic for another time and another person) and by declaring that freedom was a big part of "what this election is about."  That, in some strange way, may be one of the few statements he made that Republicans might possibly agree with.  But any illusory point of agreement ends upon further examination of what he means.

Again, this truth-shifting sophist leveled the ironic charge that it is actually Republicans - not Democrats - who would be the threat to our freedom.  Such a fantastical claim can only be understood when you realize that his definition of freedom has little to do with the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 10th amendments, parts of the Bill of Rights which he has big disagreements with, but primarily the so-called 'freedom' to kill babies - unborn and even newborn - via surgical and chemical abortions, for any or no reason, and by any method, however gruesome.

More interestingly, the freedom charge is rife with hypocrisy coming from a man who reigned as a little dictator during COVID - someone who shut down his state, who set up a snitch hotline for neighbors to turn against neighbors, who sent armed police forces to shoot paintballs at citizens who were sitting on their front porches, who fined and jailed small business owners for remaining open, ordered COVID-infected patients into nursing homes, and who shut down churches while opening up candy stores, liquor stores, and strip clubs, while continuing his unchecked Emergency Powers months after COVID was no longer a threat.  This is the charlatan accusing Republicans of being a threat to freedom.
Indeed, quite a strange notion of freedom, these Democrats.

Despite all that, it would be a huge mistake to presume that Walz is a low IQ individual on par with his presumptive boss, Kamala Harris. Quite the contrary, he's probably better described as a diabolical genius, a master propagandistic rhetorician, and an opportunistic wannabe dictator.  In this writer's opinion, that's not 'Minnesota nice'.


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