Monday, May 30, 2022

A Short and Harsh Memorial Day Assessment

In their relentless assault on our rights, the tyrannical left rarely waits until the bodies are cold before they seize upon what must certainly be viewed in the dark quarters of their leadership as yet another fortunate opportunity to capitalize on the emotions surrounding the victim's deaths.

Yes, as harsh as that sounds, I do believe there is neither sincerity, nor honest acknowledgement with them of the brutal truth behind why the 2nd Amendment is the cornerstone upon which all other rights that free Americans possess are secured.  For the truly astute observer would take note that it was hardly a week ago that they were proclaiming the virtue of and insisting on the Constitutional necessity of ensuring the legal slaughter of millions of innocent children - if done at the bloody hands of the trained abortionist.  And yet this week, in a remarkable reversal, an awful and illegal slaughter by a lone psychopath is held up as the sufficient and sole reason to gut the amendment that underpins the entire Constitution and to place the liberties of all citizens in the hands of so-called enlightened tyrants.  This sort of duplicity is exactly the reason why their endless pursuit of the disarming of the American citizen cannot just be chalked up to ignorance of our founding documents.

No, it would be overly charitable to assume that the American left is ignorant of the importance of the Second Amendment to the preservation of liberty.  Rather, the Bill of Rights in general, and the right to bear arms in particular, remain the greatest and perhaps last obstacle to their goals of perfecting upon the many failed and bloody attempts by their ideological soulmates, ranging from the past to the present - be it Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Ceausescu, Chavez, or Maduro.  These goals were and are of a desire to rule over us, born of extreme arrogance, combined with an exceptionally dangerous belief in the perfectibility of man and the woeful misreading of the sin nature inherent in mankind.

Thus, the calls for still more laws heaped upon more laws, under the guise of gun control, gun bans, ammo bans, or whatever the latest registration and licensing schemes, are not the end in themselves, but another step toward your ultimate enslavement.  It will come at a great cost, and will be imposed - if not opposed - with or without your consent.

That is a tragic lesson Ukrainian citizens almost learned too late.  So when you hear calls for 'reasonable restrictions' and 'compromise' over issues concerning gun or ammunition rights, learn from the past and consider carefully the motives of those making such proposals.

I implore you to remember again this Memorial Day how it was that the hard-fought and blood-bought freedoms we enjoy were earned, who paid the price, and how quickly they could be squandered if the left is allowed their way.

"I would remind you that extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."  - Barry Goldwater


1 comment:

  1. This is a well written and thoughtout blog post. What I find astounding with the left is how they take advantage of other people's tragedies to push their political agenda. Whether it is to continue their black genocide with support from Planned Parenthood, or taking away everyone's right to bare arms in the aftermath of the massacre at Robb Elementary school. They say nothing about the 18 year-old's history being raised in a fatherless home, or by a grandfather who was a known felon, or a mom who struggled with alcoholism. From the very beginning of his life, this young man had the cards stacked against him, but the left will never let you see that. Finally, in the past 30 years the national news media has been highlighting the accomplishments of girls with very little mentioned of boys, unless they fit their script. Boys have grown up feeling inferior in our educational system with an overabundance of boys being labeled as behavior problems when it is simply the school system has stacked the deck in favor to girls who can focus and attend to material far longer than their male counterpart. I remember, Coach Mac, the founder of Promise Keeper's, tried to illustrate the importance of fathers in the lives children, until the national news media did a character assassination with the reframe that Promise Keeper's just wants to keep their woman barefoot and pregnant. We must remember the evils of what Wikipedia refers to as the first domestic terroristic group in America when we cast our vote on November 8, 2022. It is time we take our country back.


Keep it classy, short, and pithy!